Delete Sql Dump Files

Can we delete Transaction Log File?

  1. Delete Sql Dump Files Pdf
  2. Should You Delete Dump Files
  3. Auto Delete Sql Dump Files
  4. Delete Sql Dump Files Google Drive

We can not delete primary transaction log file, but we can delete secondary log files.

The command created a database mydb, select the database, and execute other SQL statements.In addition, it showed all the possible warnings and errors. It is recommended that you use the SOURCE command to restore a dump file because the SOURCE command returns very detailed information including warnings and errors. The easy answer comes by reading the file. It's a text file, not binary, so you should be able to glean what it is by just opening it up in Wordpad (Notepad can't open such large files). More than likely it's a complete dump of all the data in the database, in one big SQL query. In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine and then expand that instance. Expand Databases, right-click the database from which to delete the file, and then click Properties. Select the Files page. In the Database files grid, select the file to delete and then click Remove. DELETE After deleting records to execute next query, create table by using the above SQL DUMP. Delete all the records of Class file Remove all the records who got mark less than 60. In SQL Server Management Studio, open the MANAGEMENT folder, then right click on SQL SERVER LOGS and say CONFIGURE. Check the LIMIT ERROR LOGS box and set the number to 30 (a month's worth). Now, set up a new job in the SQL Agent that runs spcycleerrorlog every night at midnight.

Sometimes we can create a second log file on another disk as a workaround because the log file is full.

If we do not delete these temporary secondary log files over time, log file count will increase.

Phpmyadmin sql dump

When we have free space on the disk where the first log file is located, or when we move this first log file to another disk with sufficient space, we can delete these temporary secondary log files.

To see how a second log file is added to the database, you may want to read the article “How To Add The Second Log File to the Database”.


If your database’s recovery model is Full Recovery Model, I recommend that you backup your transaction log. So, your transaction log file automatically truncated after log backup and this prevents your transaction log to growing too much.

You may want to read the following articles to learn detailed information about recovery models and transaction log.

“What is Database Recovery Model“,

“What is SQL Server Transaction Log“,

“How To Shrink SQL Server Transaction Log”

Empty Secondary Transaction Log File Before Removing

After backing up the transaction log, we need to shrink the log file we want to delete with empty option.

First we right-click on the database and click Tasks-> Shrink-> Files.

We select the Log option from the File type section as shown below.

Delete Sql Dump Files Pdf

Delete Sql Dump Files

We choose the file we want to shrink from the file name.

In the Shrink action section, we also select “Empty file by migrating the data to other files in the same filegroup”.

In this way we are able to transfer the data in the log file to the other log files.

Before we click Ok, let’s take the script by clicking on the “Script” at the top left. This will output a script like the following.


You can remove the log file by combining these two scripts as follows.

Should You Delete Dump Files