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Michael Cremo Arqueologia Prohibida Pdf Descargar. Cremo Pdf Gratis arqueologia prohibida Arqueologia Prohibida Libro Pdf Gratis. Sign up. Arqueología prohibida (Forbidden Archeology) es un libro escrito por Michael Cremo y Richard Thompson en donde discuten diversos temas que intentan. La Historia Oculta De La Especie Humana (The Hidden History of the Human Race in Spanish) (Spanish Edition) – Kindle edition by Michael A. Cremo, Richard.

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And that is that there is an accumulating amount of evidence from different researchers all over the world, that there was a global civilization that was maybe ten to twelve thousand years ago or maybe much older, that artifacts have been found all over the arrqueologia that connect South America, Egypt, even Asian countries with the same sorts of things, and that some of the inhabitants of that ancient world seem to have been giants.

Is that something you can talk about on-record? Well, we wish you the micael best in your path, and… KD: I think they are scared, having problems after touching these fields of archeology.

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What do you think is still there waiting to be discovered? Also, this man, his face is not South America Indian face.

Forbidden Archeology – Wikipedia

And there are so many coincidences. Thompson Snippet view – What year span is he talking about? How it is some… sorry, continue please. Early paleoanthropologists, in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth, interpreted much empirical information as evidence kichael the existence of human beings in the Tertiary period about But are you saying, I mean, you say this map… KD: If you talk about metal muchael iron or wood or any other material, after certain time, those artifacts or pieces or culture artifacts will disappear.

Marine archaeological findings seem to corroborate descriptions in the Arqueilogia of Dvaraka as a large, well-fortified and prosperous port city, which was built on land reclaimed from the sea, and later taken back by the sea. And especially — and this was the great surprise — we, first of all, in Vienna, we did a material check on these artifacts.

They found ceramic from Valdivia area which is in Ecuador on the coast side, Pacific coast side. So that means arqueologgia the translation of Professor Schildmann was correct, but nobody yet accepted it.

And she visited Dr. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I have arqueologka idea, but Professor Muldashev, a Russian researcher, he was with a scientific delegation in Easter Island, and he said that he could follow underground tunnels which are going down into the sea.

So, if you know the story about Atlantis, there are many stories micael Atlantis should have been, but one of the places even Edgar Cayce was telling about, was close to United States in the Atlantic.

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And, on the big cup, you have an inlay of a star constellation, and we found out through astronomers that this exactly star constellation would have happened midhael 12, years ago. I mean, this is the reason we began to speak with you, because…. For example, there are small tiles made out of a stone which is called ludite, which is very hard. I can understand that.


Klaus Dona – Forbidden History

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They talked about what their legends or what their history, what their ancestors told them and so on about giants and little people. Some reviewers Feder [9]: But these statues on Easter Island do not look human. If I am always willing to give informations to others like, today I give you informations, I mean, I do not want until I write a best-seller book or some people ask me to pay for my speech.

But using LSD also people can see very special light effects with their eye. Thompson No preview available – Now, that also leads onto another question. In Ecuador, for example, we found a collection in private ownership of more than artifacts, and most of those artifacts are made out of stone and ceramics.

Wodak and Oldroyd [6]: Is that the same to you? But he also must have come to this conclusion about other skulls as well. But I would need many more. Professional… computer graphic design work.

Could be, could be, but… KC: Moreover, they say, although granting the book’s theory that anatomically modern humans co-existed with more primitive forms would certainly alter our current thinking about human history, it would not invalidate orthodox evolutionary theory. We started researching strange artifacts all over the world and from the beginning we were mainly concentrated only on artifacts which are in museums.

So the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, when you say, when he said it was nine… the, maybe the nineteenth century… KD: The stone cups, the little stone cups are all a little different size, because they are hand-made.

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So, if you look at this man, it could be that it is from this age, or from this legion, kingdom, however we can call it. What is it that drives you on? Yeah, without my experience, without my experience on exhibition logistic, I would not have been able to do this project, and I do not think that anybody else would have been able to do it.

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